TLDX Appointment Online Meeting

LYNA Automated Dispatch Cloud," an automated dispatch system with an overwhelming track record of over 600 installations

LYNA Auto Dispatch Cloud" is an automated vehicle dispatch system that boasts an overwhelming track record of introduction at more than 600 offices. At the exhibition booth, visitors will be able to experience the LYNA Automated Dispatch Cloud demo screen and other system features. Please visit our booth to see how the system drastically reduces the time required to create dispatch plans.

Improving operational efficiency
Booth No T-51-04
Phone Number 0477015526
Site URL https://lynalogics.com/
Company Video URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu1Syiy4ziI

Products / Services

LYNA Automated Car Dispatch Cloud

LYNA Automated Dispatch Cloud is a system that automatically creates daily dispatch plans using AI algorithms. The system instantly calculates the optimal number of vehicles and delivery routes using unique AI technology that has been developed through numerous logistics projects. Even inexperienced staff can quickly create optimal vehicle dispatch plans.