T-06 Sansan
TLDX Appointment Online Meeting

Manage your contacts, maximize your business

Sansan is the solution for digitally transforming sales. Sansan accurately digitizes diverse information acquired from customer contact points, including business cards, email signatures, and web form entries, creating a shareable, company-wide asset.

Improving operational efficiencyImproving labor shortage
Booth No T-06
Phone Number 05017481133
Site URL https://jp.sansan.com/
Company Video URL

Products / Services

Sansan is the solution for digitally transforming sales. Sansan accurately digitizes diverse information acquired from customer contact points, including business cards, email signatures, and web form entries, creating a shareable, company-wide asset. Sansan applies over 1 million items of preloaded corporate information, while providing centralized management of contacts and sales activities, to maximize previously hidden business opportunities and increase sales. Sansan heightens productivity and reduces costs by streamlining all activity related to business contacts and interactions.