5/31/2024 (FRI) 13:00 ~ 13:20A3-2WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Introduction of IFF (Indirect Far Field) Measurement System Solutions

As typified by Beyond 5G / 6G, multi-element antennas are increasingly used to correct for propagation loss in the millimeter-wave band. In the measurement of antennas with a larger aperture than the wavelength, DFF (Direct Far Field) measurement requires a long measurement range, and it is difficult to measure the distance in an anechoic chamber, which makes it difficult to evaluate the far field.
Therefore, Microwave Factory has developed the CATR (Compact Antenna Test Range) using a lens antenna and NFFFT (Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation) measurement systems as IFF (Indirect Far Field) measurement systems that can evaluate the far field even if the required measurement range is short.
In this presentation, we will introduce the problem of far field evaluation where the required measurement range is not available, and the advantage of the IFF measurement system over this problem.
Microwave Factory Co., Ltd.
Genma Hattori