5/30/2024 (THU) 11:40 ~ 12:00B2-3WJWTPSeminar Venue B

IoT Human Resource Development for DX - Introducing the Wireless IoT Planner Certification Examination -

By having an education (training) system, companies can motivate employees and reduce turnover (the feeling that the company is looking after them).
Let's start by learning about visualization, which has been successful in manufacturing sites.
Until now, prototyping IoT systems has required a lot of time and money, but as technology advances
Now that everything is in place, user companies are able to develop their own IoT solutions.
・No-code programming
・Visualization via fee-free cloud
・Single board computer and sensor cost just under 10,000 yen per unit
At the venue, we will demonstrate "carbon dioxide concentration monitoring" using the above device.

In addition, you can utilize "DX basic training" on the path from prototype to commercialization.
・Intensive acquisition of concepts + elemental technology + case studies/trend understanding in one day
・DX/IoT basics, radio waves/networks, data utilization and AI, security/related laws and regulations
・Certificate sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will be issued (improved credibility for DX/IoT organizations/projects)
The first 5 people will receive the above text "DX Basics: Wireless IoT Planner".

Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
Yasuhiro Arai