5/30/2024 (THU) 15:20 ~ 15:40D2-6TLDXSeminar Venue D

Introduction of logistics DX and safe driving management methods using Safetyrecorder.

The role of digital tachographs in recording vehicle operations has become so important that it is no exaggeration to say that logistics DX is not complete without a digital tachograph.
On the other hand, it is also important to decide which functions and services of digital tachographs to be chosen.
We, DataTec, developed the world's first drive recorder, has developed and sold Safetyrecorder that focus on safe driving guidance, and has helped more than 1,200 users to reduce automobile accidents.
We introduce how safe driving management that supports logistics DX can be achieved, along with the features and support system of the Safetyrecorder.
datatec Co., Ltd.
Keisuke Shiragaki