5/31/2024 (FRI) 14:20 ~ 14:40A3-4WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Nordic Semiconductor Next Generation products for Short Range nRF54 series and Long Range nRF9151 SiP

Nordic Semiconductor, a leader in low power wireless IoT solutions will be releasing several new solutions this year.
First is the fourth generation of Bluetooth® Low Energy Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) in the nRF54 Series. The SoC targets medical/healthcare, smart home, industrial IoT, VR/AR, PC accessories, remote controllers, gaming controllers, and multiple other IoT applications. While the nRF54L Series has wide applicability from high-volume products to more advanced devices, the nRF54H Series possesses the superior processing power and large capacity memory needed for IoT products.
Secondly, the expansion of its nRF91 Series cellular IoT devices with the introduction of the nRF9151 System-in-Package (SiP). The nRF9151 further enhances Nordic’s end-to-end cellular IoT solution, which encompasses hardware, software, tools, and nRF Cloud Services, providing advanced capabilities and seamless integration to significantly simplify the development process.
Nordic Semiconductor K.K.
Technical sales
Noriyuki Kobayashi

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Nordic Semiconductor K.K.