5/30/2024 (THU) 13:00 ~ 13:20A2-2WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Fabrication and clinical application of a wireless-power-transmission-type medical device

Wireless power transfer has been recognized by the IEEE as one of the “Seven Technologies That Will Change the World,” and it holds great promise as a novel method of delivering electrical power. Currently, medical devices often rely on battery replacement or charging via power cables connected to electrical outlets. However, incidents of devices remaining uncharged due to forgotten plugs or becoming entangled in cable spaghetti are common. These issues can lead to compromised medical quality and even endanger patients’ lives.

Introducing wireless power-enabled medical devices into home healthcare settings not only facilitates power delivery but also enables information transmission. This advancement can significantly contribute to the early detection of rapid deterioration in vital signs among elderly individuals receiving care at home, ultimately saving precious lives. As part of our research, we have prototyped wireless power-enabled medical devices. Analyzing the signals transmitted and received by these devices at high speed is a key aspect of our study. Additionally, we aim to connect this analysis to early dispatch of emergency medical teams and enhance emergency response and life-saving measures for patients receiving care at home.

Furthermore, considering the pressing issue of population decline faced by many prefectures, including Tokushima Prefecture, which has numerous depopulated areas such as the scenic Kazura Bridge in the Iya Valley, we strive to establish a secure framework for home healthcare even in these regions. By introducing wireless power systems to medical devices, we hope to contribute to curbing population decline in Tokushima Prefecture. Our vision extends beyond medical devices; we aim to foster the creation of next-generation medical instruments and wireless businesses (IoT industry).

In the first part of our study, we provide an overview of wireless power transfer, while the second part focuses on its clinical applications and real-time vital sign transmission for home healthcare patients using the NICT comprehensive testbed.

This research has been conducted with the support and funding from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications through the Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Program (SCOPE, project number 185009003) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology through the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (project number 18K08857).
Tokushima University
Gunma University of Health and Welfare

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【AIM】Tokushima University/ Gunma University of Health and Welfare