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EXPO COMM Wireless Japan × Wireless Technology Park 2024 Seminar 5/29 (WED)

Seminar Venue A Seminar Venue B Seminar Venue C
11:00 ~ 11:20B1-2WJWTP
Wireless sensing of “garbage” by real time driven AI
Keio University Nakazawa Lab
11:40 ~ 12:00B1-3WJWTP
Latest Generative AI Applications and Deep Fake Countermeasures
Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
Godo Irukayama
13:00 ~ 13:20A1-2WJWTP
From Phased Array Antenna Design, Prototyping, FR2 Open Source Research, to FR2/FR3 Test Solutions
TMYTEK Product Manager
Wei-Yang Chen
13:00 ~ 13:20B1-4WJWTP
【WiFi2.4G, 5GHz/Local 5G/920MHz】Building the Best Wireless Network for Various Industrial Sites
Johnny Qian
13:40 ~ 14:00A1-3WJWTP
[How to introduce Ubiquiti UniFi Network] No license required/Supports multi-site management/Building a unified management network
Sonet International Corporation.
Sato Tasuku
13:40 ~ 14:00B1-5WJWTP
The Importance of QoE/QoS Testing in 5G Networks and Introduction to Testing Methods Using real user equipment
Keysight Technologies Japan K.K.
Kazuma Miyashita
14:20 ~ 14:40A1-4WJWTP
Never fail local 5G area coverage
VIAVI Solutions
Solution Specialist
14:20 ~ 14:40B1-6WJWTP
Wireless network issues and communication stabilization/visualization when returning to the office
CHIeru Co., Ltd.
15:00 ~ 15:20A1-5WJWTP
Tips for building and maintaining next-generation Wi-Fi networks
Ekahau Inc.
Japan Representative
Warren Arbuckle
15:00 ~ 15:20B1-7WJWTP
ST's cutting-edge wireless SoCs with industry-leading MCU!
STマイクロエレクトロニクス K.K.
Jungo Tsubakihara
15:40 ~ 16:00A1-6WJWTP
Drone Business Frontline: Explanation of the latest domestic and international case studies and domestic market
Impress Corp.
Daisuke KOUNO
15:40 ~ 16:00B1-8WJWTP
New XBee RF Module Line Up
Digi International K.K.
EXPO COMM Wireless Japan × Wireless Technology Park 2024

Seminar 5/29 (WED)

5/29/2024 (WED) 13:00 ~ 13:20A1-2WJWTPSeminar Venue A

From Phased Array Antenna Design, Prototyping, FR2 Open Source Research, to FR2/FR3 Test Solutions

The development of 5G/6G technologies has led to advanced communication. TMYTEK explored 5G/6G communication from Phased Array Antennas (PAA) to FR2/3 Communication Testbeds and mmW-SDR technology, featuring the capability of the antenna systems and beamforming enable rapid prototyping, and algorithm testing offering an adaptable testbed for developing versatile wireless communication applications.

The mmW-OAI, an extension of mmW-SDR, is deeply integrated with the OAI open source stack for 5G FR2 End-to-End test network experiments and trials, serving as a reference implementation for 5G FR2 SA end-to-end testing in mmWave bands with commercial UEs. The fully open-source OpenAirInterface (OAI) stack can be expanded by researchers interested in beam management algorithms and 6G use cases like ISAC and RIS, including components such as the OAI CN5G, OAI gNB (CU/DU), beamformer UHD driver, and a user-friendly cloud-based dashboard for network monitoring and control.

This year, TMYTEK teams up with Anritsu to present FR2/FR3 Test Solutions in 5G NR WaveGen & Analysis for mass production. TMYTEK's modular bidirectional broadband up/down frequency converter UD Module and UD Box expand legacy testing instrument frequency ranges to 20 GHz/44 GHz, supporting various bands like UWB, C/X/Ka/Q/Ku-Band to 5G NR FR2 and high-bandwidth applications up to 1 GHz. This solution offers simplicity, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness for 5G NR FR2/FR3 WaveGen & Analysis, minimizing system integration costs and maximizing investment while streamlining the testing process.
TMYTEK Product Manager
Wei-Yang Chen
Wei-Yang Chen specializes in mmWave and submillimeter wave front-end RF systems, as well as mmWave circuit (MMIC) design. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan. His research interests include MMIC design, microwave/millimeter-wave transceiver module design, microwave/millimeter-wave phased array system design, beamforming network design, and microwave/millimeter-wave circuit/system measurement. Since 2019, he has been with TMYTEK, where he currently serves as the product manager for up/down converter products.

• Ph.D Electrical engineering, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan
• M.S. Electrical engineering, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan

• TMYTEK product manager
• TMYTEK principal RF engineer
• Postdoctoral researcher
5/29/2024 (WED) 13:40 ~ 14:00A1-3WJWTPSeminar Venue A

[How to introduce Ubiquiti UniFi Network] No license required/Supports multi-site management/Building a unified management network

UniFi Network solution products from Ubiquiti, a global leader in managed Wi-Fi, build highly scalable networks and enable multi-site cloud management without the need for licenses.

Supporting network visualization and central device management, UniFi Network solution is multifunctional and cost-effective, allowing you to build any network for offices, factories, schools, leisure facilities, etc. at low cost.

In this performance, we will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of the necessary components and configuration examples, along with implementation examples, to introduce UniFi Network solutions tailored to your scale.
Sonet International Corporation.
Sato Tasuku
5/29/2024 (WED) 14:20 ~ 14:40A1-4WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Never fail local 5G area coverage

As we know, the local 5G coverage area is narrow than expected, and many users argue about inability to deploy the area as expected.
VIAVI, which has conducted local 5G area measurements all over Japan, will reveal the secrets of local 5G area coverage to avoid disappointed area coverage.
VIAVI Solutions
Solution Specialist
Since the dawn of the Internet, Sakai has been involved in launching service providers and building telecommunications infrastructure.
Since 1999, as a DOCSIS engineer, Sakai has been involved in the launch, operation, and maintenance of CATV Internet services throughout Japan.
In 2020, Sakai joined VIAVI Solutions, where as an RF engineer and traveling around Japan to propose systems for HFC and to assist with carrier and Local 5G measurements.

Translated with (free version)
5/29/2024 (WED) 15:00 ~ 15:20A1-5WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Tips for building and maintaining next-generation Wi-Fi networks

Uninterrupted and stable Wi-Fi network environments are becoming essential not only in offices, but also in schools, commercial premises, manufacturing sites and many other locations. This is where Ekahau's site survey solutions come to the rescue. Instead of relying on intuition and experience, we show you how to build a Wi-Fi environment that suits your site with solid data based on simulations and site surveys.
Ekahau continues to evolve to meet customer needs.The seminar will also introduce new features such as "Just Go Survey" and "Ekahau Measure", new licences and the latest case studies.

*This seminar is presented in Japanese.
Ekahau Inc.
Japan Representative
Warren Arbuckle
Originally from Canada, he has over 30 years of business management experience in Japan and the Asia-Pacific region, including consultancy in sales, communications and change management projects, since arriving in Japan in 1983, and is fluent in Japanese. he has been the Ekahau Japan representative since 2023.
5/29/2024 (WED) 15:40 ~ 16:00A1-6WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Drone Business Frontline: Explanation of the latest domestic and international case studies and domestic market

The editor-in-chief of a media company specializing in drones will explain the current status and outlook of the drone market based on the latest examples of drone utilization in Japan and overseas.

In Japan, drone applications are spreading in various fields such as inspection, surveying, logistics, security, entertainment, and agriculture.
The latest case studies in each of these fields will be introduced,and issues and future prospects will be explained.
In addition, XPONENTIAL, one of the world's largest unmanned aircraft exhibitions, was held for four days from April 22 to 25, 2024, in San Diego, California, USA.
Overseas case studies will also be introduced based on the latest information presented at the event.
Impress Corp.
Daisuke KOUNO
5/29/2024 (WED) 11:00 ~ 11:20B1-2WJWTPSeminar Venue B
5/29/2024 (WED) 11:40 ~ 12:00B1-3WJWTPSeminar Venue B

Latest Generative AI Applications and Deep Fake Countermeasures

The remarkable advances in generative AI and its widespread use over the past year or two are revolutionizing business. Therefore, we will introduce how to utilize generative AI to improve white-collar productivity, and also discuss countermeasures against the deep-fake problem, which has recently seen a sharp increase in the number of corporate clients affected by it.
All participants will receive a copy of the “Generative AI Application Guidebook” produced by the MCPC Business DX Committee.
※Unfortunately, the guidebook is only available in Japanese.
Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
Godo Irukayama
After working as a planning and development manager of mobile devices for a major telecommunications company, became independent
・President and CEO, Irukayama Future Design Lab, Inc.
・Advisor, MCPC Business DX Committee
・Director, IoT Research & Design, General Incorporated Association
・President, AI Legal Technology Organization
・Director, Japan Robot Therapy Promotion Association (NPO)
・Chairman, Japan Metadata Council (NPO)
5/29/2024 (WED) 13:00 ~ 13:20B1-4WJWTPSeminar Venue B

【WiFi2.4G, 5GHz/Local 5G/920MHz】Building the Best Wireless Network for Various Industrial Sites

Moxa is a leading company in industrial networking, and we will introduce their wireless networking solutions for various industrial sites based on our extensive experience.
Moxa's wireless APs/Bridges/Clients support 802.11a/b/g/n/ac with throughput of up to 1.3 Gbps to meet the need for faster data communication. They also comply with industrial standards and certifications such as operating temperature, input voltage, surge, ESD, and vibration. Also, we will show unique useful features exclusively handled by KMECS ONE.
WiFi has gained widespread use, and various channels are crowded now. To address the issue of lack of available bandwidth for new applications, we are also introducing local 5G terminals and 802.11ah (920MHz) products.
In addition, Moxa's value-added software MXviewOne provides network device configuration, real-time monitoring, and diagnostics. It scans up to 2,000 Moxa network devices and SNMP/ICMP devices and automatically forms topologies, providing a highly visual overview of the entire network. It also provides visualization of traffic load and security levels to support building optimal network. Additional add-on functions MXview Wireless adds features such as topology formation in wireless communication and wireless communication data recording. It allows users to go back in time and graphically view SRRI, noise, and roaming history, which is useful for building wireless environments and troubleshooting.

Johnny Qian
5/29/2024 (WED) 13:40 ~ 14:00B1-5WJWTPSeminar Venue B

The Importance of QoE/QoS Testing in 5G Networks and Introduction to Testing Methods Using real user equipment

The 5G network is expected to cater to different communication services and requirements depending on various use cases. To evaluate the quality of these services, it is important to define and measure the user experience metrics (QoE) that are crucial for each service. However, focusing solely on QoE parameters may not provide insight into improving user experience. This is where other network parameters such as QoS become important. By measuring QoS parameters alongside QoE, it may be possible to identify factors hindering QoE improvement. Capturing parameters for each node, link, or protocol within the network during the same test enables powerful troubleshooting capabilities. In this seminar, we will introduce various measurement methods for capturing layer information, including QoE parameters, with real-world examples
Keysight Technologies Japan K.K.
Kazuma Miyashita
5/29/2024 (WED) 14:20 ~ 14:40B1-6WJWTPSeminar Venue B

Wireless network issues and communication stabilization/visualization when returning to the office

Post-pandemic Work Styles and the Need for Flexible Wireless Networks

The post-pandemic work environment has seen an increase in the proportion of office work. However, not all employees are returning to the office full-time, and hybrid work arrangements are still prevalent. This means that the number of people working in the office fluctuates on a daily basis.

In offices with fluctuating occupancy rates, the number of devices also needs to be flexible. This naturally leads to a preference for wireless networks using laptops.

Challenges of Scaling Wireless Networks for Fluctuating Occupancy

A key challenge in this scenario is determining the scale of the network to design for. If the network is designed for maximum occupancy, it will be overkill for average usage, leading to unnecessary costs, including ongoing maintenance fees. On the other hand, if the network is designed for average usage, it will not be able to handle peak occupancy, leading to slowdowns and other performance issues.

Tbridge: Stabilizing Wireless Networks for Flexible Workstyles

By identifying and addressing these performance issues, it is possible to achieve a stable and reliable office network that supports flexible workstyles. This seminar will discuss these challenges and introduce our wireless stabilization solution, Tbridge, which offers a comprehensive approach to optimizing wireless networks for fluctuating occupancy.

TbridgeT-Manager: Continuous Network Visualization and Investment Planning

In addition to Tbridge, we will also introduce TbridgeT-Manager, our integrated network visualization solution. This tool provides continuous visibility into network performance and can help with investment planning for network upgrades.
CHIeru Co., Ltd.
5/29/2024 (WED) 15:00 ~ 15:20B1-7WJWTPSeminar Venue B

ST's cutting-edge wireless SoCs with industry-leading MCU!

ST, with a leading share of the general-purpose MCU market*, offers wireless SoCs integrating its proven STM32 MCU platforms. This seminar will introduce a wide range of products that support the rapidly expanding IoT needs, including products that integrate the latest Arm® Cortex®-M33 core-based MCU and support Bluetooth® Low Energy, and products that support a variety of Sub-GHz radios and are ideal for advanced wireless designs. (*Source: Omdia)

STマイクロエレクトロニクス K.K.
Jungo Tsubakihara
5/29/2024 (WED) 15:40 ~ 16:00B1-8WJWTPSeminar Venue B

New XBee RF Module Line Up

LTE, LPWA, Sub-G, 2.4GHz new XBee, Gateway, Digi Remote Manager Cloud Service are introduced.
Digi International K.K.