Please check the details of each seminar and register to attend.

EXPO COMM Wireless Japan × Wireless Technology Park 2024 Seminar 5/30 (THU)

Seminar Venue A Seminar Venue B Seminar Venue C
10:20 ~ 10:40B2-1WJWTP
Approaches and Applications of 60GHz High-Speed Wireless LAN
Panasonic System Networks R&D Lab. Co., Ltd.
Hiroaki Asano
11:00 ~ 11:20B2-2WJWTP
Introduction of 4th Local5G Practical training course
Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
11:40 ~ 12:00B2-3WJWTP
IoT Human Resource Development for DX - Introducing the Wireless IoT Planner Certification Examination -
Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
Yasuhiro Arai
13:00 ~ 13:20A2-2WJWTP
Fabrication and clinical application of a wireless-power-transmission-type medical device
Tokushima University
Gunma University of Health and Welfare
13:00 ~ 13:20B2-4WJWTP
5G NTN specifications in 3GPP standards
Rohde & Schwarz Japan
13:40 ~ 14:00A2-3WJWTP
How to Use the Digital Twin to Solve Wireless Communication Problems in Industrial Sites
Kei-ichi YASHIRO
13:40 ~ 14:00B2-5WJWTP
New XBee RF Module Line Up
Digi International K.K.
14:20 ~ 14:40A2-4WJWTP
IIJ SoftSIM Solution Realized on the Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160 Cellular SiP
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Senior engineer
Shigeyoshi Miura
14:20 ~ 14:40B2-6WJWTP
[$15 for 10years Lifetime Flat] Introduction of the disruptive IoT connectivity service and use cases
SoftBank Corp.
Masato Nakabayashi
15:00 ~ 15:20A2-5WJWTP
Uplink performance test with Semi-synchronous TDD3 in field
Kotaro Mizuno
15:00 ~ 15:20B2-7WJWTP
Basic knowledge of GNSS antennas and introduction of product examples
ASNICS Co., Ltd.
15:40 ~ 16:00A2-6WJWTP
Our design manager speaks from the heart! Why Local5G is chosen now instead of Wi-Fi?
NTT Business Solutions corporation.
15:40 ~ 16:00B2-8WJWTP
Seminar of Radio Law Regulations for Wi-Fi 6E Products in Japan, North America, and Europe and overview of Wi-Fi 7
UL Japan Inc.
Takahiro Hoshino
EXPO COMM Wireless Japan × Wireless Technology Park 2024

Seminar 5/30 (THU)

5/30/2024 (THU) 13:00 ~ 13:20A2-2WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Fabrication and clinical application of a wireless-power-transmission-type medical device

Wireless power transfer has been recognized by the IEEE as one of the “Seven Technologies That Will Change the World,” and it holds great promise as a novel method of delivering electrical power. Currently, medical devices often rely on battery replacement or charging via power cables connected to electrical outlets. However, incidents of devices remaining uncharged due to forgotten plugs or becoming entangled in cable spaghetti are common. These issues can lead to compromised medical quality and even endanger patients’ lives.

Introducing wireless power-enabled medical devices into home healthcare settings not only facilitates power delivery but also enables information transmission. This advancement can significantly contribute to the early detection of rapid deterioration in vital signs among elderly individuals receiving care at home, ultimately saving precious lives. As part of our research, we have prototyped wireless power-enabled medical devices. Analyzing the signals transmitted and received by these devices at high speed is a key aspect of our study. Additionally, we aim to connect this analysis to early dispatch of emergency medical teams and enhance emergency response and life-saving measures for patients receiving care at home.

Furthermore, considering the pressing issue of population decline faced by many prefectures, including Tokushima Prefecture, which has numerous depopulated areas such as the scenic Kazura Bridge in the Iya Valley, we strive to establish a secure framework for home healthcare even in these regions. By introducing wireless power systems to medical devices, we hope to contribute to curbing population decline in Tokushima Prefecture. Our vision extends beyond medical devices; we aim to foster the creation of next-generation medical instruments and wireless businesses (IoT industry).

In the first part of our study, we provide an overview of wireless power transfer, while the second part focuses on its clinical applications and real-time vital sign transmission for home healthcare patients using the NICT comprehensive testbed.

This research has been conducted with the support and funding from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications through the Strategic Information and Communications R&D Promotion Program (SCOPE, project number 185009003) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology through the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (project number 18K08857).
Tokushima University
Gunma University of Health and Welfare
5/30/2024 (THU) 13:40 ~ 14:00A2-3WJWTPSeminar Venue A

How to Use the Digital Twin to Solve Wireless Communication Problems in Industrial Sites

To address challenges such as labor shortages, productivity improvement, and the need for flexible production in today's industrial settings, solutions like automation and personnel reduction through wireless communication are crucial. However, unlike households or offices, industrial environments such as manufacturing floors and warehouses present unique challenges. These include complex indoor and outdoor structures, constantly changing materials and loads, line layouts, and automated vehicles, making it difficult to establish and maintain stable wireless communication environments.

In such scenarios, achieving "uninterrupted wireless" requires the selection and design of appropriate wireless systems tailored to the specific conditions and communication requirements of the site, along with ongoing monitoring of the communication environment. This seminar aims to outline real-world problems encountered during wireless implementation, along with initiatives that aim to rationally solve these issues through measurement and simulation.
Kei-ichi YASHIRO
5/30/2024 (THU) 14:20 ~ 14:40A2-4WJWTPSeminar Venue A

IIJ SoftSIM Solution Realized on the Nordic Semiconductor nRF9160 Cellular SiP

Internet Initiative Japan Inc. one of Japan's leading Internet access and comprehensive network solutions providers, is collaborating with Nordic Semiconductor to bring support for IIJ's SoftSIM to Nordic's popular cellular IoT nRF91® Series. The cellular IoT solution supports the popular nRF9160 SiP, a highly functional and power-efficient System-in-Package. With IIJ's SoftSIM readily available in the nRF9160, companies can manufacture wireless applications, electronic devices, smart appliances, and other cellular IoT devices with reduced BOM, size and weight. In addition to reduced manufacturing costs, SoftSIM simplifies device management and requires no physical SIM card or chip SIM.

Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Senior engineer
Shigeyoshi Miura
5/30/2024 (THU) 15:00 ~ 15:20A2-5WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Uplink performance test with Semi-synchronous TDD3 in field

Since 2023, Hytec Inter has been offering the "Sub6 Band Compact Local 5G Platform" compliant with O-RAN, advancing PoC (Proof of Concept) in customer environments. One expected advantage for local 5G is the high speed and large capacity on uplink. Semi-synchronous TDD1, which allocates more uplink slots compared to carrier 5G, is already in operation for local 5G. However, for certain use cases, there is an increasing demand for even faster uplink speeds and more capacity. Consequently, in addition to the already institutionalized semi-synchronous TDD1, additional patterns (semi-synchronous TDD2 and TDD3) that increase the proportion of uplink slots for faster speeds are under consideration.
Last year, we applied for and received approval to add semi-synchronous TDD2 and TDD3 to our local 5G experimental station license. In this session, we will show the results of field tests and effects with semi-synchronous TDD3 at Hokkaido Test Development Center located in Numata Town (Uryu District, Hokkaido). Additionally, we will show actual 4K video stream over local 5G, using our products low-latency, rate-controlled 4K video encoder/decoder, and introduce our efforts for local 5G development.

Kotaro Mizuno
5/30/2024 (THU) 15:40 ~ 16:00A2-6WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Our design manager speaks from the heart! Why Local5G is chosen now instead of Wi-Fi?

In this lecture, we will explain the basics of local 5G, the latest institutional information, and specific use cases in an easy-to-understand manner!
NTT Business Solutions corporation.
5/30/2024 (THU) 10:20 ~ 10:40B2-1WJWTPSeminar Venue B

Approaches and Applications of 60GHz High-Speed Wireless LAN

 In recent years, to realize high-capacity communications in 5G, the use of millimeter waves has been promoted in addition to the Sub-6 bands, leading to the increasing prevalence of millimeter wave technology. In the field of wireless LAN, on top of the unlicensed frequency bands such as 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz, wireless LANs that utilize the broadly available millimeter wave 60GHz band have been standardized by the IEEE. These are gradually becoming more popular in environments where their directivity and reduced interference are advantages.
Aiming to contribute to a future world where broadband access is even more widespread, Panasonic System Networks R&D has developed a 60GHz high-speed wireless LAN device that allows for the easy establishment of a broadband environment. This device is the industry's smallest and lightest and offers high-speed and low-latency communications comparable to wired LANs wirelessly. Moreover, by adopting a beamforming control antenna, it provides stable connectivity anywhere, indoors or outdoors.
During this session, we will introduce the specifications, features, application areas, and use cases of this device. In addition, based on the future standardization and trends in wireless technologies, we will present insights into how unlicensed bands like the 60GHz wireless LAN are being utilized.
Panasonic System Networks R&D Lab. Co., Ltd.
Hiroaki Asano
5/30/2024 (THU) 11:00 ~ 11:20B2-2WJWTPSeminar Venue B

Introduction of 4th Local5G Practical training course

"Local 5G, which has transitioned from the experimental phase to the social implementation phase, is now being considered for deployment. To assist those who are planning to design and build Local 5G networks, we are organizing the fourth practical training seminar. This seminar will cover both fundamental knowledge and practical skills related to Local 5G implementation.
Seminar Details:
Dates: June 24 (Monday) 9:00 AM to June 25 (Tuesday) 12:00 PM (1.5 days)
Foundational Knowledge Section:
Understand the basics of Local 5G, including its unique features and differences from public and private 5G.
Learn about the essential steps involved in Local 5G deployment.
Gain insights into the licensing application process.
Practical Technology Section:
Explore the end-to-end process of building Local 5G base stations.
Understand the schedule from license application to radio emission.
Experience practical tasks such as radio measurements and throughput testing during different project phases.
This seminar aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and practical skills for successful Local 5G deployment. If you’re considering Local 5G implementation or want to enhance your expertise in wireless networks, this seminar is designed for you.
Venue: NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation (NECネッツエスアイ株式会社) Shinkawasaki Technical Base, 7th floor, Rooms 701-703 1-2 Shinkogura, Kouhoku-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 212-0031 Google Map search: “NECネッツエスアイ(株)基盤技術センター”

Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
5/30/2024 (THU) 11:40 ~ 12:00B2-3WJWTPSeminar Venue B

IoT Human Resource Development for DX - Introducing the Wireless IoT Planner Certification Examination -

By having an education (training) system, companies can motivate employees and reduce turnover (the feeling that the company is looking after them).
Let's start by learning about visualization, which has been successful in manufacturing sites.
Until now, prototyping IoT systems has required a lot of time and money, but as technology advances
Now that everything is in place, user companies are able to develop their own IoT solutions.
・No-code programming
・Visualization via fee-free cloud
・Single board computer and sensor cost just under 10,000 yen per unit
At the venue, we will demonstrate "carbon dioxide concentration monitoring" using the above device.

In addition, you can utilize "DX basic training" on the path from prototype to commercialization.
・Intensive acquisition of concepts + elemental technology + case studies/trend understanding in one day
・DX/IoT basics, radio waves/networks, data utilization and AI, security/related laws and regulations
・Certificate sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will be issued (improved credibility for DX/IoT organizations/projects)
The first 5 people will receive the above text "DX Basics: Wireless IoT Planner".

Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)
Yasuhiro Arai
5/30/2024 (THU) 13:00 ~ 13:20B2-4WJWTPSeminar Venue B

5G NTN specifications in 3GPP standards

5G NTN (Non-Terrestrial Network) added in 3GPP Release 17 is the standard for direct communication between mobile phone and not only base stations placed on the ground, but also low orbit satellites (LEOs), geostationary satellites (GEOs) and high altitude platform station(HAPS).In this seminar, we will explain the latest 5G NTN standards for Release 17 and Release 18 which is currently being developed, as well as explain 5G NTN market trends. We will also introduce the measurement solutions necessary to realize 5G NTN.
Rohde & Schwarz Japan
5/30/2024 (THU) 13:40 ~ 14:00B2-5WJWTPSeminar Venue B

New XBee RF Module Line Up

LTE, LPWA, Sub-G, 2.4GHz new XBee, Gateway, Digi Remote Manager Cloud Service are introduced.
Digi International K.K.
5/30/2024 (THU) 14:20 ~ 14:40B2-6WJWTPSeminar Venue B

[$15 for 10years Lifetime Flat] Introduction of the disruptive IoT connectivity service and use cases

We would like to introduce you to "1NCE", a disruptive global IoT connectivity service that SoftBank exclusively sells in 19 countries and regions in APAC. This seminar will not only provide an overview of the service but also discuss its use cases in Japan and APAC.

"1NCE" is a prepaid service that offers a staggering low price of $15 for 10 years (excluding taxes and shipping costs), and is currently available in 173 countries and regions. No monthly fee, resulting in significant cost reduction. It is a service that can be utilized even in use cases where the monthly billing cost has been a hurdle to introducing Cellular LPWA.

The seminar is highly recommended for those interested in adopting Cellular LPWA, those who want to reduce IoT communication costs, and those considering global deployment of their services. Please do join us.
SoftBank Corp.
Masato Nakabayashi
5/30/2024 (THU) 15:00 ~ 15:20B2-7WJWTPSeminar Venue B

Basic knowledge of GNSS antennas and introduction of product examples

In recent years, there has been a rise in applications utilizing GNSS positioning technology.
Particularly, in the field of driving automation and unmanned move bodies such as drones, implementation using combination of high-precision positioning and wireless communication have gradually begun.
Given that the positioning accuracy of GNSS can vary depending on the satellites and positioning method used, requirement performance for antennas also differs accordingly.
In this presentation, we will delve into the fundamental aspects of GNSS antennas and showcase various use cases along with product examples.

ASNICS Co., Ltd.
5/30/2024 (THU) 15:40 ~ 16:00B2-8WJWTPSeminar Venue B

Seminar of Radio Law Regulations for Wi-Fi 6E Products in Japan, North America, and Europe and overview of Wi-Fi 7

On September 2, 2022, a Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) notification partially revising technical standards and radio equipment regulations opened the 6 GHz band in Japan, allowing approved Wi-Fi 6E-compliant products to be used in Japan. Designing, manufacturing, importing, exporting, and selling Wi-Fi 6E/7 compliant products must meet the requirements of the regulations of each country and region.
This seminar will provide the latest regulatory information on Wi-Fi 6E compliant products in Japan, North America, and Europe, as well as basic knowledge of Wi-Fi 6E and how it differs from conventional testing. In the last part of the seminar, an overview of the latest Wi-Fi standard, Wi-Fi 7, will also be mentioned.
Please use of this information for your future development, test preparation, and development cost estimation.
➢ Basic knowledge of Wi-Fi (wireless LAN)
➢ Regulatory status of Radio Law (Japan, North America, Europe)
➢ Impact on the evaluation of the Radio Law

Target audience:
➢ Those who want to know the fundamentals of Wi-Fi 6E and the differences in test content compared to conventional testing
➢ Those who wish to obtain the latest regulatory information on Wi-Fi 6E-compliant products in Japan, North America, and Europe
➢ For manufacturers who are considering or planning to introduce Wi-Fi 6E compliant products
➢ Manufacturers who are considering designing, manufacturing, importing, exporting, and selling Wi-Fi 6E compliant products
UL Japan Inc.
Takahiro Hoshino