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EXPO COMM Wireless Japan × Wireless Technology Park 2024 Seminar 5/31 (FRI)

Seminar Venue A Seminar Venue B Seminar Venue C
13:00 ~ 13:20A3-2WJWTP
Introduction of IFF (Indirect Far Field) Measurement System Solutions
Microwave Factory Co., Ltd.
Genma Hattori
13:40 ~ 14:00A3-3WJWTP
【AIM】Research and Development of Transmission System based on Holography for Beyond 5G Network
14:20 ~ 14:40A3-4WJWTP
Nordic Semiconductor Next Generation products for Short Range nRF54 series and Long Range nRF9151 SiP
Nordic Semiconductor K.K.
Technical sales
Noriyuki Kobayashi
15:00 ~ 15:20A3-5WJWTP
The need for maintenance DX and the current status of sensing systems
FIG Co., Ltd.
Bussiness development
Takeshi Nasu
15:20 ~ 15:40B3-3WJWTP
The Unsung Hero ~Introduction of Latest Optical Connectivity Supporting Wireless Networks~
Senko Advance Co., Ltd.
Ryutaro Takahashi
15:40 ~ 16:00A3-6WJWTP
Latest test methodologies for O-RAN system performance and quality
Spirent Communications Japan K.K.
Masayuki Takemura
EXPO COMM Wireless Japan × Wireless Technology Park 2024

Seminar 5/31 (FRI)

5/31/2024 (FRI) 13:00 ~ 13:20A3-2WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Introduction of IFF (Indirect Far Field) Measurement System Solutions

As typified by Beyond 5G / 6G, multi-element antennas are increasingly used to correct for propagation loss in the millimeter-wave band. In the measurement of antennas with a larger aperture than the wavelength, DFF (Direct Far Field) measurement requires a long measurement range, and it is difficult to measure the distance in an anechoic chamber, which makes it difficult to evaluate the far field.
Therefore, Microwave Factory has developed the CATR (Compact Antenna Test Range) using a lens antenna and NFFFT (Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation) measurement systems as IFF (Indirect Far Field) measurement systems that can evaluate the far field even if the required measurement range is short.
In this presentation, we will introduce the problem of far field evaluation where the required measurement range is not available, and the advantage of the IFF measurement system over this problem.
Microwave Factory Co., Ltd.
Genma Hattori
5/31/2024 (FRI) 13:40 ~ 14:00A3-3WJWTPSeminar Venue A

【AIM】Research and Development of Transmission System based on Holography for Beyond 5G Network

In the Kazuhiro Yamaguchi Laboratory at the Suwa University of Science is conducting research and development of a holography transmission system for Beyond 5G network, which is expected to develop in the future. Here, we introduce an example of the development of a system that generates, transmits, and displays holograms via networks, focusing on the results of a local 5G transmission experiment.
5/31/2024 (FRI) 14:20 ~ 14:40A3-4WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Nordic Semiconductor Next Generation products for Short Range nRF54 series and Long Range nRF9151 SiP

Nordic Semiconductor, a leader in low power wireless IoT solutions will be releasing several new solutions this year.
First is the fourth generation of Bluetooth® Low Energy Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) in the nRF54 Series. The SoC targets medical/healthcare, smart home, industrial IoT, VR/AR, PC accessories, remote controllers, gaming controllers, and multiple other IoT applications. While the nRF54L Series has wide applicability from high-volume products to more advanced devices, the nRF54H Series possesses the superior processing power and large capacity memory needed for IoT products.
Secondly, the expansion of its nRF91 Series cellular IoT devices with the introduction of the nRF9151 System-in-Package (SiP). The nRF9151 further enhances Nordic’s end-to-end cellular IoT solution, which encompasses hardware, software, tools, and nRF Cloud Services, providing advanced capabilities and seamless integration to significantly simplify the development process.
Nordic Semiconductor K.K.
Technical sales
Noriyuki Kobayashi
5/31/2024 (FRI) 15:00 ~ 15:20A3-5WJWTPSeminar Venue A

The need for maintenance DX and the current status of sensing systems

The introduction of robots and DX are accelerating due to labor shortages and rising labor costs due to the serious problem of a declining birthrate. DX initiatives are extremely important for the manufacturing industry, which accounts for 20% of Japan's GDP. In order to efficiently monitor the condition of equipment, a sensing system is essential as a tool to understand the condition of the equipment.
Plants that produce raw materials often operate in extremely harsh environments, requiring highly durable sensing equipment, which is a weak point for systems that communicate wirelessly. The iAMOS sensing system is a product that combines a design that responds to changes in rain, wind, and environmental temperature, as well as a system that is small, lightweight, and intuitively operable.
We have been able to develop products that are durable and easy to handle because we have worked hard to refine them at actual plants, receiving cooperation and advice from our customers, from the prototype testing stage. There are things that happen on site that cannot be understood by computers or theoretical values. Even during actual on-site testing, we received complaints from workers regarding operability, and we completed the product by repeating trial and error based on that feedback.
Sensing technology has been around for a long time, but we will explain its appeal as a system that combines current IoT technology and provide examples.

FIG Co., Ltd.
Bussiness development
Takeshi Nasu
5/31/2024 (FRI) 15:40 ~ 16:00A3-6WJWTPSeminar Venue A

Latest test methodologies for O-RAN system performance and quality

Product development of O-RAN equipment and its deployment in commercial environments is progressing, and migration from existing RAN products is expected in the future. In order to provide stable and high-quality mobile network services, O-RAN products must achieve the same or better quality and performance as existing RAN products. However, the testing required to achieve this is becoming more complex than ever before. In addition, the openness of the O-RAN architecture has made it necessary to test O-RAN systems with many test patterns and from several angles, such as test scenarios under real world conditions and several combinations of O-RAN devices, which leads to a combinatorial explosion. This talk will address the latest test methodologies and architectures that helps you to conduct more complex tests and achieve your quality goals efficiently and automatically.  
Spirent Communications Japan K.K.
Masayuki Takemura
5/31/2024 (FRI) 15:20 ~ 15:40B3-3WJWTPSeminar Venue B

The Unsung Hero ~Introduction of Latest Optical Connectivity Supporting Wireless Networks~

In recent years, the scope of wireless networks is aggressively expanding starting with 5G/6G development and implementation, low-orbit satellite communication technology has been established.
In this short session, we will take a step back from the world of wireless and discuss the IT infrastructure that supports wireless networks, such as "optical fiber networks," and the optical connectors (components that physically connect optical fibers) that interconnecting fibres and networks. We will dive into the world of optical connectivity, as SENKO, one of the top global vendor of optical connectors, will introduce the cutting edge and latest innovation of this field, along with application examples.

Senko Advance Co., Ltd.
Ryutaro Takahashi