Please check the details of each seminar and register to attend.

Keynote / Special Speech 5/31 (FRI)

Keynote Speech Venue Special Seminar Venue
10:30 ~ 11:10K3-1
Creating a Hyper-Digital Society through Next-Generation Networks
SoftBank Corp.
Vice President, Technology Unit, Mobile & Network Division Head
Teruyuki OYA
10:30 ~ 11:10S3-1
AI takes Japan's transportation to the next stage
Streamax Technology Co., Ltd.
Marketing Manager
Makoto KYOYA
11:30 ~ 12:10K3-2
Wireless technologies expected in 6G/Beyond5G and the latest trends for Wireless communication.
MathWorks Japan
11:30 ~ 12:10S3-2
Changes in the behavior of shippers and logistics operators required by the enactment of a policy package for logistics innovation and their solutions
General Incorporated Association Transportation Digital Business Conference.
Representative Director
12:30 ~ 13:10K3-3
vRAN & AI for RAN's latest trend toward 6G
NVIDIA Corporation
Telecom Business Unit Evengelist
Makoto NODA
12:30 ~ 13:10S3-3
Generative AI want Edge computing~Towards solving social issues facing Japan~
Impress Corporation
DIGITAL X Edirot in Chief
Masahiro SHIDO
13:30 ~ 14:30K3-4-1
International Workshop on the Promotion of Millimeter Waves for 5G (1)
13:30 ~ 14:10S3-4
Realizing the Value of 5G, and the World Beyond 5G
Ericsson Japan K.K.
Chief Technology Officer
Tsuyoshi KASHIMA
14:30 ~ 15:30K3-4-2
International Workshop on the Promotion of Millimeter Waves for 5G (2)
14:30 ~ 15:10S3-5
Latest Trends of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standardization 2024
Wireless System Laboratory, Information and Communications Platform Laboratories, Corporate Research & Development Center Fellow
15:30 ~ 16:40K3-4-3
International Workshop on the Promotion of Millimeter Waves for 5G (3)
15:30 ~ 16:10S3-6
How is the Smart Home market changed by "Matter"? ~Tell you the latest trend and the smart home market in the future~
Allion Japan Inc.
President & Representative Director

Keynote / Special Speech 5/31 (FRI)

5/31/2024 (FRI) 10:30 ~ 11:10K3-1Keynote Speech Venue

Creating a Hyper-Digital Society through Next-Generation Networks

The importance of Network infrastructure for solving social challenges has become even greater.
The further development of network infrastructure will play a crucial role in building a hyper-digital society not only in Japan, but also around the world.
In this presentation, Softbank will introduce what we doing for next-generation networks and also share our case studies.
SoftBank Corp.
Vice President, Technology Unit, Mobile & Network Division Head
Teruyuki OYA
2013 SOFTBANK TELECOM Corp. Director, Network Division Mobile Network Development Department
2015 SoftBank Corp. Senior Director, Network Division
2017 SoftBank Corp. Vice President, Core Network & Device Technology Division
2020 SoftBank Corp. Vice President, Head of IP & Transport Technology Division
2023 SoftBank Corp. Vice President, Head of Mobile & Network Division
5/31/2024 (FRI) 11:30 ~ 12:10K3-2Keynote Speech Venue

Wireless technologies expected in 6G/Beyond5G and the latest trends for Wireless communication.

In contrast to 5G and Beyond5G, the research and development of the next generation mobile wireless communication system 6G, which aims to provide more comprehensive and sustainable wireless connectivity, aims to significantly improve the performance of current 5G communication systems and further increase network speed, bandwidth and low latency.

As a result, new applications such as virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), artificial intelligence (AI), connected cars, connected industry and automation, ubiquitous coverage through non-terrestrial networks (NTN), joint communications and sensing, low-power wireless communications The future of the system is expected to include the following.
Research is currently being conducted on the following technologies in order to realise 6G systems, the specifications of which are being drawn up with the aim of commercialising them around 2030: - Sub-terahertz communication and other technologies
New frequencies such as sub-terahertz communications
AI and machine learning
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)
Joint communications and sensing (JCAS)
New digital waveforms.

In addition, AI and machine learning technologies are already encapsulated in 5G-Advanced systems; the 6G radio communication standard will support AI-based air interfaces, which could improve capabilities such as joint compression and coding, beamforming, channel state information (CSI) compression and positioning techniques. There is potential for improved functionality.

In this presentation, the essential technologies and corresponding analysis and simulation methods for the realisation of Beyond5G and upcoming 6G technologies will be presented.

MathWorks Japan
As a Principal Application Engineer at MathWorks, he focuses on communication systems, signal processing, image processing and HDL implementations, and is an assistant secretary of the IEICE/Smart Radio Research Group (SR).
Prior to joining MathWorks, he designed LSI/FPGAs for cellular systems, including the implementation of a world-first function. He is also the author of the book 'Bipedal Robot Simulation with MATLAB/Simulink and Model-Based Design'.
5/31/2024 (FRI) 12:30 ~ 13:10K3-3Keynote Speech Venue

vRAN & AI for RAN's latest trend toward 6G

vRAN & AI for RAN's latest trend toward 6G
NVIDIA Corporation
Telecom Business UnitEvengelist
Makoto NODA
Mark Noda has over 20 years of experience in the Telecom field since 2002. He has joined NVIDIA in 2020 and is responsible for Evangelization & Ecosystem/Developer Relations Management in Japan. Prior to joining NVIDIA, Mark contributed to major Japanese telecom organizations with various engineering roles. (Operator, integrator and NEP)
5/31/2024 (FRI) 13:30 ~ 14:30K3-4-1Keynote Speech Venue
5/31/2024 (FRI) 14:30 ~ 15:30K3-4-2Keynote Speech Venue
5/31/2024 (FRI) 15:30 ~ 16:40K3-4-3Keynote Speech Venue
5/31/2024 (FRI) 10:30 ~ 11:10S3-1Special Seminar Venue

AI takes Japan's transportation to the next stage

Streamax Technology Co., Ltd.
Marketing Manager
Makoto KYOYA
5/31/2024 (FRI) 11:30 ~ 12:10S3-2Special Seminar Venue

Changes in the behavior of shippers and logistics operators required by the enactment of a policy package for logistics innovation and their solutions

The Transportation Digital Business Conference (TDBC) aims to solve industry issues such as the 2024 problem through collaboration between business operators, companies with various technologies and solutions, shipper companies, etc., and to make the transportation industry a safe, secure, and ecological society. This organization was established with the aim of transforming the foundation and contributing to the industry and society.
Currently, 193 companies (including organizations) are participating as members, and they are active in 10 working groups for each issue and theme.
This time, we will provide an overview of the ``Two Logistics-Related Laws,'' a policy package legislation aimed at logistics innovation, and the legal requirements for shippers and logistics operators to understand and shorten cargo waiting and cargo handling time, and to properly formulate transportation contracts. We will introduce specific initiatives at TDBC, such as joint transportation and relay transportation to improve logistics efficiency, safety, health, SDGs, and CN.
In addition, we will provide an overview of the traevo Platform, a dynamic management platform born from TDBC working group activities, examples of its use in solving the 2024 problem, and other specifics such as TDBC certified solutions, digitization of transportation contracts, and creation of actual transportation system management records. We will also introduce some solutions.
General Incorporated Association Transportation Digital Business Conference.
Representative Director
Promoted BPR and system introduction in the manufacturing industry as a system manager, then moved to the IT industry and served as a technology manager, business manager, and then executive officer, director, etc.
In 2016, promoted the establishment of the council as secretary general. When the company became a general incorporated association in 2018, it became a representative director. Until now.
5/31/2024 (FRI) 12:30 ~ 13:10S3-3Special Seminar Venue

Generative AI want Edge computing~Towards solving social issues facing Japan~

Japan is currently facing urgent issues such as an aging population and labor shortages, as exemplified by the 2024 problem. In addition, it is essential to review the supply chain due to geopolitical risks and global warming countermeasures. The use of generative AI (artificial intelligence) technology is highly anticipated in DX (digital transformation) initiatives aimed at solving these social issues. And edge computing is required to make generative AI technology usable in any situations. In this Session, we will summarize the latest trends in generative AI and edge computing as its operating environment, and consider how these will lead to solving social issues.
Impress Corporation
DIGITAL XEdirot in Chief
Masahiro SHIDO
Mr. Shido is the founding editor-in-chief of DIGITAL X published in October 2017 as a media for creating a digital future.
Since starting his career as a Staff writer at Nikkei McGraw-Hill (currently Nikkei BP), he has consistently conducted interviewing, writing, and editing on the themes of how technology is used in companies and society, and the value and impact of technology.
He is co-author of "DX Basic: the Practical Knowledge Required in the Digital Age'' (Impress). Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Mathematical Sciences in 1985, born in Hyogo Prefecture.
5/31/2024 (FRI) 13:30 ~ 14:10S3-4Special Seminar Venue

Realizing the Value of 5G, and the World Beyond 5G

The number of 5G subscriptions continues to grow beyond 1.6 billion worldwide. Expanding capacity to provide sufficient performance under ever-increasing traffic, 5G will provide the high reliability and low latency required by different service levels for consumers and industries. In order to realize this further value, 5G will evolve into a programmable network.
On the other hand, discussions on Beyond 5G have begun in parallel with the evolution of 5G. As it is a social infrastructure that realizes immersive communications and digitalization of industry and society, various factors, such as privacy, security, sensing, AI, computing, diversification and versatility of devices will be involved in this discussion, in addition to the sophistication of existing network indicators.
This lecture will introduce Ericsson's vision of the way to realize the value of 5G, and the world that Beyond 5G is aiming for.
Ericsson Japan K.K.
Chief Technology Officer
Tsuyoshi KASHIMA
Kashima was involved in the standardization of 3GPP as a mobile networks researcher from 2000. He was involved in promotions and demonstrations for the introduction of commercial networks in Japan from 2008. Kashima has been in charge of the Northeast Asia area at Ericsson from 2017, and CTO of Ericsson Japan since 2023 to present.
5/31/2024 (FRI) 14:30 ~ 15:10S3-5Special Seminar Venue

Latest Trends of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standardization 2024

Wireless System Laboratory, Information and Communications Platform Laboratories, Corporate Research & Development CenterFellow
5/31/2024 (FRI) 15:30 ~ 16:10S3-6Special Seminar Venue

How is the Smart Home market changed by "Matter"? ~Tell you the latest trend and the smart home market in the future~

In October 2022, the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA, formerly known as the ZigBee Alliance), a wireless standard promotion organization, officially announced a new smart home standard called Matter. Matter is expected to revolutionize the clutter of existing smart home standards, making it possible for Apple, Amazon, and Google to use the standard to achieve greater “security,” “convenience,” and “comfort.

Since the release of Matter 1.0 in 2022 and the implementation of its certification program, manufacturers have announced that their products will support the Matter protocol one after another. Last December, we assisted Panasonic Life Solutions India Pvt in obtaining Matter 1.2 certification for room air conditioners, powered by the MirAIe platform. Starting with this move, what will be the trend for device manufacturers in Japan?

And since Matter works over different communication protocols, it enables various smart home products, bridges, controlled mobile devices, and cloud services to work together across ecosystems. Matter appears to improve the convenience and interoperability of smart home devices. But is it really true?
Allion Japan Inc.
President & Representative Director
Hideaki Nakayama graduated from Yokohama City University with a degree in Business Administration. He has been with Allion since 1999, focusing on Japan Business Development and the sales owner of Microsoft Windows and WinCE certification testing.

He played a key role in launching standardized certification of USB, HDMI, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth for Japan market. He also supported the Japanese makers in establishing a third-party quality audit business for overseas OEM/ODM development. In addition, he contributed to the development of quality validation for hands-free functionality for Automotive clients.