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Keynote / Special Speech 5/29 (WED)

Keynote Speech Venue Special Seminar Venue
10:30 ~ 11:10K1-1
Spectrum Policy Trends
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Telecommunications Bureau Director-General Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau
11:00 ~ 11:40S1-1-1
The Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum - Understanding the future of the space business (1)
■School of Engineering The University of Tokyo
Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum, President/ Professor, University of Tokyo
Dr. Shinichi Nakasuka
11:30 ~ 12:10K1-2
Japan's R&D Strategy in the Beyond 5G Era and the Potential of Terahertz Waves
National Insititute of Information and Communications Technology
Beyond 5G R&D Promotion Unit Executive Director
11:40 ~ 12:20S1-1-2
The Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum - Understanding the future of the space business (2)
■Non-Terrestrial Network market trends and evaluation for UE
Test & Measurement Company
Solution Marketing Dept. Mobile Solutions Div.

■Millimeter Wave Band High Gain Antenna Applicable to Ground Stations for NTN
Microwave Factory Co., Ltd.
12:20 ~ 13:00S1-1-3
The Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum - Understanding the future of the space business (3)
■Activity on 5G/Beyond 5G integration technology subcommittee in Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Research Manager

■Current Activity of Subcommittee for Optical Communications Technology of SPIF
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Senior researchar
Dr. Yoshihiko SAITO
12:30 ~ 13:10K1-3
KDDI's Initiatives through the enhancing the power to connect.
Advancing Technology R&D Division Advancing Business Technology Sector General Manager
Tomohiro OTANI
13:30 ~ 14:10K1-4
Toward the widespread use of “Local 5G” in Japan
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Land Mobile Communications Division / Radio Department Senior Planning Officer for Land Mobile Communications
Akifumi IRIE
14:30 ~ 15:10K1-5
Make mobile communications more available for people - A low-cost, high-performance ISLN 5G product package to evolve workplaces in all industries with 5G
ISL Networks, Inc.
Keiichi KUBOTA
14:30 ~ 15:10S1-3
Countermeasures for the 2024 problem and the latest trends in the logistics industry - Explanation of digitalization to improve productivity, DX management and the use of AI -
Funaisoken Logistics
Kazushi MATSUO
15:30 ~ 16:10K1-6
The Present and Future of Local 5G
KYOCERA Mirai Envision Co., Ltd.
Sales department Deputy General Manager
15:30 ~ 16:10S1-4
Approach for "Transportation Infrastructure DX" to achieve a safe, secure, and sustainable transportation society.
Consortium for DX Promotion by Utilizing Traffic Management Infrastructure
vice president
Keisuke UEHARA
16:30 ~ 17:10K1-7
Local 5G Summit: Utilizing DAS in Local 5G Environments
Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation
Social Systems Div. Infrastructure Services Creation Dept. Senior Manager
Koichi KONDO

Keynote / Special Speech 5/29 (WED)

5/29/2024 (WED) 10:30 ~ 11:10K1-1Keynote Speech Venue

Spectrum Policy Trends

Radio waves are an essential infrastructure for social and economic activities and play an important role as one of the driving forces of economic growth in Japan.
In this presentation, the latest technological and policy trends related to wireless communications will be introduced, including the status of 5G diffusion and deployment, current states of local 5G utilization, status of discussions on upgrading wireless LANs, and status of studies on realization of NTNs such as HAPS and new non-geostationary satellite constellations.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Telecommunications BureauDirector-General Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau
Mr. Ogihara Joined the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (now the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) in 1992. He served as Senior Technology Planning Officer of Satellite and Regional Broadcasting Division, Director of Spectrum User Fee Office, Director of Research and Development Office, Director of Telecommunication Systems Division, Director of Land Mobile Communications Division, Director of Broadcasting Technology Division, and Director of Radio Policy Division. In 2023, he was appointed Director-General of the Radio Department.
5/29/2024 (WED) 11:30 ~ 12:10K1-2Keynote Speech Venue

Japan's R&D Strategy in the Beyond 5G Era and the Potential of Terahertz Waves

It has been almost four years since the research and development of next-generation mobile communication systems (Beyond 5G/6G) started around 2020. Much basic and fundamental research has been conducted in Japan with the help of contract research and research grants from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and NICT. Similar funding and R&D are also being conducted in many overseas countries. In the midst of this R&D competition, the World Radio Conference was held in December 2023 to discuss the frequency bands that could be used for Beyond 5G/6G. This included discussions on millimeter waves and terahertz waves. From this point forward, standardization work will be carried out by 3GPP and development will be carried out for implementation around 2030. This presentation will review the state of R&D to date and discuss future directions. In particular, it will discuss millimeter waves and terahertz waves, which have attracted attention as new frequency bands for Beyond 5G/6G, outlining the national discussions to date and what practical applications are currently possible.
National Insititute of Information and Communications Technology
Beyond 5G R&D Promotion UnitExecutive Director
Iwao Hosako received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1993. After two years at ULSI Laboratory of NKK Corp., he joined Communications Research Laboratory (former name of NICT).  He is currently the Executive Director of the Beyond 5G Research and Development Promotion Unit and Director General of the Terahertz Research Center at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. His research focuses on terahertz semiconductor devices, cameras, wireless systems, standards, and regulations. He is currently Vice Chair of the IEEE 802.15 Standing Committee on Terahertz (SC-THz).
5/29/2024 (WED) 12:30 ~ 13:10K1-3Keynote Speech Venue

KDDI's Initiatives through the enhancing the power to connect.

KDDI group set forth a vision, “KDDI VISION 2030: The creation of a society in which anyone can make their dreams a reality, by enhancing the power to connect”. We aim to connect and protect lives, connect day-to-day lives, and connect hearts and minds with utilizing 5G communication as the core.
Under this vision, we have launched “Satellite Growth Strategy”, pursuing our business growth strategy in the focus areas centered on 5G. With telecommunications which is the power to connect at the center, we will make new expansions into business areas that are positioned like satellites.
In this session, we would like to share this strategy with you, and introduce our fundamental research initiatives that align with this strategy, as well as our social implementation initiatives carried out in collaboration with our partners.
Advancing Technology R&D Division Advancing Business Technology Sector General Manager
Tomohiro OTANI
Tomohiro Otani is a general manager of advancing technology R&D division of KDDI Corporation. He is responsible for R&D activities related with beyond 5G networking technologies, connected car, and IoT platform. Prior to that, he was an executive vice president of KDDI Research, Inc. He has also led the development of the operation supporting systems (OSS) for fixed and mobile networks as a director of Operation Support System Development Department of Operations Sector. He is a board of directors in Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC) and Intelligent Optical and Wireless Network Global Forum (IOWN GF). He has been a member of the technical programming committee of international technical conferences and was a co-chair of TPC of MPLS2007 and iPOP2017. He is one of authors of IETF RFCs (5146, 6205, 6825, 7025).
5/29/2024 (WED) 13:30 ~ 14:10K1-4Keynote Speech Venue

Toward the widespread use of “Local 5G” in Japan

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Land Mobile Communications Division / Radio DepartmentSenior Planning Officer for Land Mobile Communications
Akifumi IRIE
5/29/2024 (WED) 14:30 ~ 15:10K1-5Keynote Speech Venue

Make mobile communications more available for people - A low-cost, high-performance ISLN 5G product package to evolve workplaces in all industries with 5G

Japan is currently facing social issues such as a declining birthrate, an aging population, and a labor shortage. In order to solve these social issues, it is essential that a new industrial society in which robots and unmanned industrial equipment play an active role will emerge. To achieve this, it is essential to build a highly reliable and stable next-generation mobile communication infrastructure for industrial use.
Currently, social implementation of industrial mobile communication infrastructure is not progressing due to a lack of engineers who understand 5G wireless communication technology and a lack of economical and easy-to-use network products, as well as PoC and use cases that contribute to industrial innovation.
In this performance, ISL Networks CTO Kubota, who has over 20 years of experience in mobile industry (e.g. mobile carriers and global vendors), will provide current issues in Japanese industry, advisory services to address them, and optimal solutions according to use cases. Introducing ISLN 5G packages and products.
By utilizing these services and solutions, companies can expect to use 5G to solve business issues, reduce on-site costs, and improve productivity.
ISL Networks implements next-generation mobile communication technology into society and builds new social infrastructure.
ISL Networks, Inc.
Keiichi KUBOTA
Engaged in research and development in mobile industry for over 20 years. Participated in 3GPP meetings for over 10 years as a standardization staff member for Nokia UK, Renesas Mobile Europe, Broadcom Europe, and Qualcomm. In particular, Qualcomm, as the RAN2 5G Lead in Corporate R&D, contributed to 5G standardization and acquired over 100 3GPP-related patents, of which over 15% are SEP.
At Rakuten Mobile, he is responsible for developing fully virtualized 5G RAN as the 5G infrastructure development director.
He was invited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as a member of the "Standardization Guidebook" and contributed to the creation of the guidebook to emphasize the importance of standardization to Japanese companies.
5/29/2024 (WED) 15:30 ~ 16:10K1-6Keynote Speech Venue

The Present and Future of Local 5G

The "Local 5G" market in Japan is expanding its utilization area, especially in the field of Proof of Concept Experiment (PoC), and 2024 is expected to be the year when local 5G utilization will make a significant progress from the stage of small-scale PoC to concrete utilization with a view to commercialization.
We are working with Taiwanese vendor Quanta Cloud Technology to deploy Sub6 local 5G systems in Japan.
In order to deploy, we provide our service that is called "Subscription 5G". It is a low-cost rental model that uses Core-sharing technology to reduce the initial cost which is always raised as a barrier to local 5G deployment.
In this presentation, we’ll provide information on checkpoints to select the system for local 5G deployment. In addition, we would like to introduce demonstration video to show the “real throughput values" that cannot be confirmed from catalog specifications. It is important when using local 5G in a commercial environment.
Moreover, we’ll demonstrate the way of operational monitoring by displaying the GUI screen of OmniView which is a dedicated tool of operational monitoring. It is essential when it comes to actual operation in real site.
KYOCERA Mirai Envision Co., Ltd.
Sales departmentDeputy General Manager
April 2002 Wired Networks Co., Ltd. (Formerly USEN Co., Ltd.) Tokyo Area Broadband Sales Department
June 2005 Kyocera Communication Systems Corporation Tokyo Branch Development Sales Department
April 2006 KDDI Sales Department
April 2011 Kyocera Mirai Envision Co., Ltd. Tokyo Sales Manager
April 2015 General Manager of NE Sales Department
April 2021 Deputy General Manager of Sales Division of the Company (to the present)
5/29/2024 (WED) 16:30 ~ 17:10K1-7Keynote Speech Venue

Local 5G Summit: Utilizing DAS in Local 5G Environments

Local 5G technology allows operators to independently design and manage networks tailored to specific areas and applications, making it an ideal solution for use in factories, social infrastructure, and building facilities, where flexibility is essential. However, establishing local 5G networks in factories and indoor environments poses challenges such as signal obstruction by physical barriers and potential signal leakage outside the premises, leading to increased installation costs due to the need for multiple base station transceivers.

As a solution to these issues, Toshiba has commercialized DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) specifically for local 5G use.
In this presentation, as a leading company in DAS manufacturing,we will cover the features of Toshiba's local 5G DAS equipment and present case studies demonstrating its effectiveness.

Additionally, we will discuss applications that leverage the communication stability of DAS and Toshiba's efforts in technology development aimed at further expanding the use of local 5G.
Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation
Social Systems Div. Infrastructure Services Creation Dept. Senior Manager
Koichi KONDO
Entered Toshiba Corporation in 1994, engaging in sales of base station-related systems for telecommunications operators. Since 2015, has been responsible for new business development in the field of social infrastructure projects, and has held their current position since 2020.
5/29/2024 (WED) 11:00 ~ 11:40S1-1-1Special Seminar Venue

The Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum - Understanding the future of the space business (1)

■School of Engineering The University of Tokyo
Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum, President/ Professor, University of Tokyo
Dr. Shinichi Nakasuka

5/29/2024 (WED) 11:40 ~ 12:20S1-1-2Special Seminar Venue

The Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum - Understanding the future of the space business (2)

■Non-Terrestrial Network market trends and evaluation for UE
Test & Measurement Company
Solution Marketing Dept. Mobile Solutions Div.

■Millimeter Wave Band High Gain Antenna Applicable to Ground Stations for NTN
Microwave Factory Co., Ltd.
5/29/2024 (WED) 12:20 ~ 13:00S1-1-3Special Seminar Venue

The Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum - Understanding the future of the space business (3)

■Activity on 5G/Beyond 5G integration technology subcommittee in Space ICT Promotion Initiative Forum
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Research Manager

■Current Activity of Subcommittee for Optical Communications Technology of SPIF
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Senior researchar
Dr. Yoshihiko SAITO
5/29/2024 (WED) 14:30 ~ 15:10S1-3Special Seminar Venue

Countermeasures for the 2024 problem and the latest trends in the logistics industry - Explanation of digitalization to improve productivity, DX management and the use of AI -

In the lecture, we will touch on awareness of the 2024 problem in the transportation industry and an overview of actual countermeasures, and explain the driver shortage and improving work efficiency. We will use case studies to introduce specific initiatives such as freight rate negotiations with shippers and promotion of digitalization.
In addition, AI, RPA, and OCR are cited as keywords for digitalization, and we will explain how each technology is used in the transportation industry, using examples.
For example, we will explain automatic dispatch systems using AI, image recognition, automation of routine tasks using RPA, and automation of document text processing using OCR.
We will also explain how AI can be used to strengthen accident prevention education, reduce video review time, and reduce accidents and dangerous driving. By using AI to check images, we are able to standardize and speed up images, which also reduces the amount of manual video checking work required.

We will explain how these contribute to improving productivity, and how cost reductions, improved safety, and reductions in personnel costs actually affect the management of transportation and logistics companies.
Funaisoken Logistics
Kazushi MATSUO
5/29/2024 (WED) 15:30 ~ 16:10S1-4Special Seminar Venue

Approach for "Transportation Infrastructure DX" to achieve a safe, secure, and sustainable transportation society.

Consortium for DX Promotion by Utilizing Traffic Management Infrastructure
vice president
Keisuke UEHARA